Special Needs Resources In and Around St. Louis | Kids Out and About St. Louis

Special Needs Resources In and Around St. Louis

Special Needs Resources In and Around St. Louis

Parents in our area are always searching for resources for kids with special needs. We are doing our best to collect these all on this one page.

See our master list of organizations that provide assistance for those with special needs below.

Click here for information about upcoming activities in our area that are relevant to kids with special needs.

Click here for summer camps in our area that are relevant to or specialize in helping kids with special needs.

If there is a special needs resource that should be added to this list, please email us to let us know. Administrators of organizations can add themselves to the list; just see our how-to page to learn how to get added. It's free, of course. Thank you!

1138 N. Warson Rd St. Louis MO 63132 314-962-6059