Circle of Friends Preschool

We recognize each child as special and unique.
We enhance the development of a positive self-concept by providing developmentally appropriate activities and experiences for success.
We encourage young learners as they grow toward independence, confidence and responsibility.
Our Curriculum
Our curriculum blends teacher-initiated activities that build on children’s interests with the children’s own self-directed activities and play. Classroom activities focus on children’s ages and abilities and address all areas of development: intellectual, social, emotional, physical, and creative.
Each classroom incorporates language, math, science, creative arts, music, motor skills and social development.
We integrate a separate music program that inspires children’s music appreciation by encouraging rhythm and tempo through singing, dancing, rhyming, and movement.
By promoting child-directed play, we ensure that your child develops at his or her own pace. Sharing, cooperating and taking turns teaches your child the importance of being a team player.
The Importance of Music
All students at Circle of Friends attend Music and Movement class twice a week, or once if their class only meets once a week. In each class, children have the opportunity to sing, dance and play rhythm instruments (drums, bells, etc.) or move with other props such as streamer, scarves, and bean bags. Our primary goals is to develop the children's love of music, but along the way, they learn to keep a beat, match pitch, recognize patterns, follow directions and sharpen listening skills, while enjoying a variety of musical styles/cultures. Concepts like tempo, dynamics and "easy" note reading are also introduced in an age-appropriate way. Take a peek into our Music Room and see all the fun.
Classroom Environment
Our bright classrooms and large playgrounds offer developmentally appropriate and multicultural materials and equipment to inspire the social, physical, and emotional development
of young children.
Teachers fill their classrooms with theme-related materials to engage children at each stage of their development.
Two fenced, outdoor playgrounds feature equipment selected specifically for enhancing gross motor skills for all age groups.
Weather permitting, our children play outside every day. However, a large, indoor play area is available for running, jumping, and climbing when weather restricts outside play.
Throughout the year, we extend our learning with teacher-prepared nature walks, picnics, and field trips to the park.
Your child will be inspired to learn, play, and grow in a warm, safe, and nurturing environment.
We believe all children should have the opportunity to grow and learn to their fullest potential.