Meeting of the Rivers Foundation
The Meeting of the Rivers Foundation (the Foundation) is an Illinois non-profit corporation. Since its inception, the Foundation has evolved to include a focus on education and community outreach initiatives that promote public awareness and understanding of river issues and solutions.
These efforts coincide with our original charter to support the acquisition, maintenance, and replacement of exhibits at the National Great Rivers Museum. The Foundation works in partnership with many other collaborative organizations and the US Army Corps of Engineers in the many efforts to elevate the impacts of environmental education, outreach, and awareness surrounding the Mississippi, Missouri, and Illinois waterways and their confluence.
The Foundation - through the National Great Rivers Museum, education and outreach programs, and effective partnerships - provides high quality education and interpretive experiences that advance public awareness and understanding of great rivers issues, and thereby promote and inspire greater public and private stewardship and active involvement in the protection, preservation, and sustainable use of our river environments.