The Ultimate Parent Survival Guide to 2020 - 2021 | Kids Out and About St. Louis

The Ultimate Parent Survival Guide to 2020 - 2021

COVID-19 has turned the 2020-2021 school year upside down: How are you going to work and your kids get educated at the same time? You can't do it ALL, right? Fortunately, each local community has quickly developed resources to help, and virtual and online education options have exploded: Even in the midst of craziness, creativity reigns. This is's portal to what every family needs this year: Over 1000 well-organized links to local resources, virtual classes and tutoring, tips and tricks to keep kids entertained, and more. And get creative with 250+ activities to keep your family sane!

*Organizations offering online experiences: Click here to register a user ID - or click here to log in to an existing organization listing - It's FREE to post!

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