Nominations are Open for the Fall Start of Project MEGSSS
Teachers and Parents may nominate Middle School Students with an interest in Mathematics
MEGSSS is accepting Nominations for Middle School students with a spark for Mathematics to participate in this Enrichment Program. On ground and online platforms are available.
Here’s a video showing you some of our MEGSSS classrooms in action: NOMINATION VIDEO
Ready to nominate a Middle School Math student? CLICK HERE
Why Project MEGSSS?
(Mathematics Education for Gifted Secondary School Students)
MEGSSS gives these mathematically talented students an opportunity to learn high-level mathematics while meeting other students that think like themselves and participate in a challenging environment where being really smart is celebrated and supported.
Even though Project MEGSSS has been a haven for mathematically talented students in the St. Louis area for over 40 years, we are now expanding our scope regionally, nationally, and internationally, with exciting new online learning platforms.
MEGSSS will continue to offer highly qualified faculty, working with the superior curriculum, to academically challenge students beyond traditional school offerings. Building on our historic past, we added a new online offering to complement our traditional classroom programs.